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  • Ylva

Welcome to 2020

I heard a really good opticians joke (well I work in an opticians and I liked it)

'Why will this year be really bad for opticians?'

'Everyone will have 20/20 vision!'

It's a bit of a groaner I'll admit but it gave me a giggle so I hope it gives you one too.

It's been a bit of a busy start to the new year for me which is why you haven't heard from me in a couple of days. Yesterday I was at work and at lunch time I dived with delight into my new copy of 'Love Crochet' magazine which along with 'Simply Crochet' is my favourite magazine and straight away I was excited at how many of the projects I want to make all of which I am looking forward to sharing with you. It's just as well that my previous online shopping trip didn't end in purchases as it means I still have the money for the yarn I want (yay!). So after this I'm off to online shop again, this time with a list.

But wait! I hear you cry what about the elephant? Don't worry he's all finished and ready to go to his new home and here he is.

I'm really quite pleased with him even though now I've posted it the picture isn't the best, I made him with DK King Cole Comfort so he's really soft and cuddly, now that he's finished I've started on a bunny as I need to have something to do while waiting for my yarn delivery.

I took myself into town today as I was meeting a friend and on our wander we popped into 'The Works' - I love this shop especially as today it had a book I've been thinking about getting for £4 now I love a bargain so of course I bought it!

Doesn't it look super cute? If I have time after the bunny I may well make one of these little beauties with yarn from my stash before moving on to the next set of projects from 'Love Crochet'.

I really hope that you have been having a good start to the year, so far I've got a good feeling about it maybe because it will be the Chinese year of the rat from the 25th of January and being born in 1972 means I'm a rat! (in a nice sense I hope) so I'm thinking there will be good things this year - lets hope I'm right!

Now I'm off to grab my magazine for reference and order yarn x.

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